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Parent Guide to the
My First Reading Library
Download the Usborne My First Reading Library PARENT GUIDE
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My First Reading Library Framework
And if you haven’t already watched this video…
WATCH PROGRAM EXPLANATIONMy First Reading Library – PROGRAM DETAILSAdd’l Printable Resources & Games
The Usborne’s My First Reading Library is complete on its own – but there are additional FREE resources that you can utilize to help teach your child to read.
Discover the FUN of Reading!
To make teaching your child to read with Usborne’s My First Reading Library as convenient as possible, we have compiled the FREE resources available into one place for easy access.
LISTEN to the sounds in each book
Not quite sure how to pronounce the phonemes? Click on the links in the PDF to listen to the sounds introduced in each book (levels 1-15)
PRINT the word banks and activity sheets
There are activity sheets and word banks to use for the first 15 books (2 of each) to help reinforce learning and give extra practice with the phonemes.
FREE Online Game:
Teach Your Monster to Read
The computer version of Teach Your Monster to Read game is 100% FREE!
The goal of the Teach Your Monster to Read game is to engage children so they are more motivated to learn. As children progress through the games, they will practice a range of essential reading skills; matching letters to sounds, blending, segmenting, tricky words and reading full sentences. Plus, the Teach Your Monster to Read game pairs nicely with Usborne’s My First Reading Library as add-on FUN!
SEE WHAT EACH GAME COVERSSIGN UP TO PLAYCan I Expand the My First Reading Library Set?
Yes – there are several add’l books within the Usborne Reading Program!
Read with Usborne Reading Program
Read with Usborne
Very short stories, typically 100-300 words over 20-24 pages. Short, simple sentences using everyday words. Stories are followed by fun puzzles to test understanding of the story. Please refer to the picture to ensure you do not order any doubles.
Read with Usborne
Longer stories, typically 500-700 words, full book length at 48 pages. Longer sentences and slightly more challenging vocabulary. Puzzles included to enhance comprehension. Refer to the picture to ensure you do not order any doubles.
Read with Usborne
Several stories on a theme, or one longer story in chapters. Typically 1,000-1,600 words over 48 pages, with slightly longer and more complex sentences, and longer paragraphs. The My First Reading Library does not include any level 3 so all titles could be ordered as an add-on.
Read with Usborne
Adapted classics or nonfiction topics, which may assume some background knowledge. Typically 2,000-2,500 words over 64 pages.The My First Reading Library does not include any level 4 so all titles could be ordered as an add-on.
More Readers by Usborne Publishing
The levels in the Usborne Story Book series will come after Level 4 in the Usborne Reading Program. Use them for more advanced reading practice or as a great deal on story books!
Usborne Story Books – BEGINNER READERS
These well-known fairy tales and folk tales are beautifully illustrated, with fun activities and talking points after each story… 1: Beauty and the Beast, 2: The Boy Who Cried Wolf, 3: Cinderella, 4: The Gingerbread Man, 5: The Emperor and the Nightingale, 6: The Emperor’s New Clothes, 7: The Elves and the Shoemaker, 8: Little Red Riding Hood, 9: Rapunzel, 10: Puss in Boots, 11: Sleeping Beauty, 12: Snow White (audio version for each)
These popular myths, legends and classic stories are beautifully illustrated, with fun activities and talking points after each story. Online links also allow you to follow along with audio versions. Contents Include: 1: Aladdin, 2: Alice in Wonderland, 3: Arthur and the Sword in the Stone, 4: Little Mermaid, 5: Phantom of the Opera, 6: Pinocchio, 7: Robin Hood and the Silver Arrow, 8: Snow Queen, 9: Wind in the Willows, 10: Wooden Horse
These retellings of timeless classics are beautifully illustrated, with fun activities and talking points after each story. Online links also allow you to follow along with audio versions. Contents Include: 1: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2: Dracula, 3: Frankenstein, 4: Great Expectations, 5: The Jungle Book, 6: Oliver Twist, 7: Romeo and Juliet, 8: Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of Baskervilles, 9: Treasure Island, 10: The Wizard of Oz
CONFIDENT READERSWant MORE Freebies & Reading Tips?
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