Our Story with PaperPie – Usborne Books & More is now known as PaperPie
Tom & Becky Dean
29 Years of Experience
We lead our team & provide training from first-hand experience in the field!
Tom & Becky Dean have earned Leader of the Year with Usborne Books & More in 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 and Executive Leader of the Year in 2015 – and continue to earn Nat’l Awards for personal/team sales…
in 2020, earning the Million Dollar Team award and the highly acclaimed Platinum Legacy Sales Award – the second person in the history of PaperPie (formerly known as Usborne Books & More) to achieve that level. We have personally worked in all avenues of this business so the training and tools we provide our team is based on first-hand experience IN the field. We are Team Leaders that are actively working. In 2023, we were recognized for #1 in Total Personal Sales, #1 in Cards for a Cause Fundraiser Sales and leading a Million Dollar Team.

Tom & Becky Dean received a “Special Recognition Award” in 2012 (never before given or since) for “outstanding achievement in all sales & recruiting categories”.
Pictured l-r: Heather Cobb, Usborne Books & More VP | Tom & Becky Dean | Randall White, President/CEO of Usborne Books & More
Our starting goal… earn free books!
We joined Usborne Books at Home (now known as PaperPie) in 1995 with simple goals…
Earn a “bunch” of books FREE!
Make money to get MORE books!
And to have fun doing it.
Well… we have achieved those goals, plus more than we ever dreamed possible!
PaperPie Brand Parnter Business Benefit…
A FAMILY Home Business
We wanted a family business as a way to teach our children valuable life lessons… that money doesn’t grow on trees – you have to WORK for it! Our Usborne Books & More, now known as PaperPie, business provided that opportunity.
When our children were small they came with us to parties – just one at a time as a special “date night” with mom or dad – to share about their favorite Usborne book. These experiences help them learn how to speak to adults & they developed a good work ethic at a young age.
As our children got older they helped out at booth events and book fairs – with our daughter even starting her own Usborne Books & More business to help pay for her college tuition to become a nurse.

PaperPie Brand partner Business Benefit…
Read smart books if you want smart kids!
Selling Usborne books and Kane Miller books with PaperPie allows you to fill your home with quality educational books to help your children develop a LOVE of learning. Is selling with PaperPie worth it? YES! For that reason alone…
Our kids went to college early!
And are gainfully employed.
Their variety of careers were first explored by reading Usborne books…
Controls Engineer, Artist, Designer, Nurse, Mechanical Engineer, Ap Developer, IT Manager, business owner, military… They still love to read… and now read Usborne books to their own kids!
PaperPie Brand Partner Business Benefit…
Control of your own schedule is priceless!
With a PaperPie business, YOU control your own time. You do not have to ask for time off or a leave of absence – YOU decide. If your spouse gets a job transfer… no problem.
There are no territories with PaperPie. With the internet you can work your PaperPie business anywhere in the USA.
We lived in Germany for a bit and maintained our Usborne Books & More (now known as PaperPie) business online in the USA. As we didn’t have another job or employer holding us back, this deployment allowed us to give our children an opportunity to see history “in person” all over Europe.
We LOVE the portability and flexibility
of our PaperPie business!
PaperPie Brand Partner Business Benefit…
A FREE Yearly Vacation!
Earning all-expense paid trips to exotic locations is another benefit of a PaperPie business. We earned our first incentive trip to Acapulco in 1996. Since then we have earned 32 FREE vacations!
The most recent trip… five nights in VIENNA for 4 with $8000 in spending CASH!
PaperPie Brand Partner Business Benefit…
Dreams Come True!
This is an opportunity anyone can take as far as they want and we have. The income with our Usborne Books & More business (now known as PaperPie) allowed us to build our “Dream Home” on our 80 acres in 1999 and build a huge barn/office in 2005… and by God’s grace, everything was paid off in 2017.
(and thankful for our PaperPie business)
As a PaperPie Brand Partner, we are able tosupport our family’s needs and wants – plus travel the world with many free trips. And now that our children are grown, our PaperPie business gives us the flexibility to pursue other interests and enjoy being grandparents… which we LOVE!!
Here’s my required disclaimer… “Actual earnings can vary significantly depending upon time committed, skill level, and other factors. Not everyone will achieve the level of income depicted here. See our Income Disclosure Statement for a comprehensive picture of the PaperPie Income Opportunity.” In other words… yes, you do have to work to earn the money/trips/awards. Isn’t that true for everything? But PaperPie, formerly known as Usborne Books & More, definitely is a business you can grow large over time if you are consistent and persistent. Or, it can be a fun way to earn a bit of spending cash – you choose by the amount of time and effort you put into your business and building a team.
PaperPie Income DisclosurePaperPie Brand Partner Business Benefit…
Making a Difference!
We can sell anything. We choose to sell Usborne books and Kane Miller books with PaperPie because it promotes literacy – it is a job that makes a difference! We are honored to have been recognized for personally selling over a million dollars of Usborne books and Kane Miller books to families all over the United States.
Come join us to help change the world, one book at a time!