Finally! A School Fundraiser selling a product that is a GREAT value!
Amber Dean will be your fundraiser coach.
Need a
Simple & Profitable
Cash Fundraiser?
We offer a unique fundraising program – offering an excellent value for the customer, while still giving organizations, non-profits, schools and individuals…
A 43% Return!
Our Fundraiser Product is VALUE Priced!
Finally – a fundraiser product that is useful and not over-priced! The Cards for a Cause fundraiser product is boxed sets of 30 full-sized greeting cards with matching envelopes for $30 – that’s only a $1 per card!! Customers get a high-quality product at a reasonable price and the organization makes a 43% return.
Card boxes/cards are subject to change. As inventory depletes they are replaced by a new box with different cards. Thus, a fundraiser can be done every year with new product!

All Occasion #1 Fundraiser Box
14 Birthday – 1 Belated Birthday – 3 Thank You – 2 New Home – 1 Wedding – 1 Graduation – 1 Anniversary – 2 New Baby – 2 Get Well – 2 Thinking of You – 1 Blank

All Occasion #2 Fundraiser Box
12 Birthday – 5 Thank You – 2 Blank – 1 New Home – 2 Wedding – 1 Graduation – 2 Congratulations – 2 New Baby – 2 Get Well – 1 Thinking of You

Kids Birthday Fundraiser Box
30 handcrafted and printed birthday cards designed especially for kids, presented in a drawer coloring box.

Thanks & Blanks Fundraiser Box
17 Thank You – 13 Blank At a minimum, buy this box and send Thank-You notes to community leaders as a part of a gratefulness campaign.
Profit Margin for a Cards for a Cause Fundraiser
Earn $13* for every box of cards sold!
Sample Group Size: 20 participants
Each person sells 20 boxes: 400 boxes sold = $5,200 raised
Each person sells 15 boxes: 300 boxes sold = $3,900 raised
Each person sells 10 boxes: 200 boxes sold = $2,600 raised
Each person sells 5 boxes: 100 boxes sold = $1,300 raised
*If your organization is not tax exempt, the amount due for taxes will be deducted from the total amount raised. There is a 15 box minimum to qualify as a fundraiser to earn $13 a box, the full 43% back.
Why a Cards for a Cause Fundraiser?
Simplicity – You can start today!
Quality – High-quality products for unbeatable prices. Only a $1 a card!
Unlimited Application – Cards for a Cause fundraisers can be used for any purpose: school teams, church youth groups, Scout troops, adoptions, medical bills, summer camp…
Unlimited Potential – achieve any fundraising goal!
Different – Our program stands out in the fundraising crowd, with a value priced product (finally!) and wide appeal.
Different – Our program stands out in the fundraising crowd, with a value priced product (finally!) and wide appeal.
Exclusive! – Cards for a Cause fundraisers are only available with PaperPie brand partners, like
Fundraiser Testimonials
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what fundraiser organizers and customers say…
Through the Cards for a Cause Fundraisers program, our school was able to raise over $2,000. We set a goal for each family in the school to sell 10 boxes, and most of the families met the goal. We even had one family sell over 20 boxes. It was a great fundraiser.
Sally F. – Usborne Books & More Fundraiser Customer
It was the easiest fundraiser we have done. Simple choices and fast delivery. Perfect fundraiser to raise money for our upcoming musical…
From a High School Fine Arts Dep’t Chair – a Cards for a Cause Fundraiser Customer
This was the best fundraiser we have done in simplicity & money returned. We had a different fundraiser in the cafeteria a month ago and sold over $1000, but were disapointed to receive less than $100 back for our efforts. This fundraiser provided a 43% return and we quickly sold everything!
From a Cards for a Cause Fundraiser Customer in South Dakota
We LOVED our Cards for a Cause Fundraisers event and plan to do it several times a year. We already have earned $350!
From a Cards for a Cause fundraiser organizer in Minnesota
Answers to Fundraiser FAQs
What is the minimum number of boxes we must sell?
A very low 15-box order is required to qualify for all fundraiser program benefits.
Who can do this fundraiser?
ANYONE! Schools, homeschools, community groups, teams, individual persons… there are no restrictions.
Is there any cost for shipping?
You get FREE SHIPPING! We cover the shipping when the 15-box minimum order is met.
Do we collect payment at the time cards are ordered?
Yes, payment should be collected at the time of sale.
Who should customers make checks payable to?
Please have checks made payable to your organization.
Should we charge sales tax?
If your organization is tax-exempt, you may submit a copy of your tax exempt certificate to us to have it apply to this fundraiser if your state allows this. Documentation must be submitted BEFORE your fundraiser starts. NOTE: all tax-exempt orders must be shipped to the address on your tax-exempt certificate and be paid by the organization’s credit/debit card. If your organization is not tax-exempt, the amount due for taxes will be deducted from your total amount raised, thus we advise charging customers sales tax so you earn the full amount. We provide $32 and $33 order forms that include tax (rounded up) to make it easier for collecting.
Are there any incentives for selling?
Ideas/options for incentives are emailed to you in the starting instructions. Incentives reduce the amount of cash awarded to the organization, but can increase participation to offset this cost.
What fundraiser materials are provided?
Once the agreement is filled out, we email you a PDF of the order form for you to print. This allows fundraisers to start very quickly. Promotional materials to promote your fundraiser are also provided… social media images, sample email, sample posts – as well as add’l hints.
Does this fundraiser have an online option?
Yes, with your fundraiser you are given an online fundraiser option via our online fundraising page. (a credit card processing fee of $1.50 per box is added to online orders so the organization earns the full amount) The online order form on this page collects customer info and payment only – the orders are not shipped individually. All in-person and online fundraiser orders are shipped together with free shipping to your organization so you earn the full 43% back.
Can we pre-order sample cards?
Yes, an order form is provided to buy sample card boxes. Giving each participant a sample card helps increase sales. Ask each participant to donate $1 for their sample card and apply it towards your earnings – or use the pre-ordered card boxes to fill fundraiser orders.
Recommended Fundraiser Timeframe
Fundraisers are typically open for about 2 weeks (start on a Friday and include 3 weekends).
When do we get paid our Fundraiser earnings?
For in-person fundraiser orders, you will send back a tally sheet compiling all the in-person orders and include the $17 per box sold payment – keeping the $13 box earnings so you are paid immediately for your fundraiser.
For online fundraiser orders, you will be sent an email notification every time someone orders from your fundraiser. But you don’t have to keep track! At the conclusion of your fundraiser you are sent a spreadsheet that lists all the orders, who purchased them and who to credit the sale to. Online fundraiser orders are $1.50 more per box to help cover the credit card processing fees so you earn the full amount. The $13 a box earnings will be mailed to you via check at the close of the fundraiser.
Can we have a Cards for a Cause fundraiser twice a year with PaperPie?
Absolutely! Cards are a consumable product and selling the Thanks & Blanks box to promote a gratefulness campaign can work as many times as you want to run it. Card boxes change with different designs and cards as supply runs out – about once a year. Many schools and organizations choose to have a Cards for a Cause fundraiser with us annually.
How do I start my fundraiser?
Please fill out the Fundraiser Agreement (button below). And send us a copy of your tax-exempt certificate if tax-exempt. Then you will be emailed a Fundraiser Order Form and promo flyers to print off for your participants and your fundraiser online order form will be set up. To close your fundraiser you send back the Fundraiser Tally Sheet your fundraiser coach.
Book a Cards for a Cause Fundraiser
Have questions about our Cards for a Cause fundraiser? Contact PaperPie Brand Partner, Becky Dean: (218) 744-2136
Amber Dean will be your fundraiser coach.